ENGR 391 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering is a multidisciplinary subject that outlines approaches to understand, utilize, and manipulate the abundant properties, including mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, magnetic, and chemical properties, of materials. In the course, we will study (1) the basis for understanding the materials properties with respect to chemistry, atomic, and crystal structure of materials. (2) the characteristics and phase transformation of engineering materials - metals, ceramics, plastics, and composites. (3) the effects of intrinsic defects and microstructures on materials properties. (4) the environmental impacts on engineering materials degradation and durability. Hands-on lab sections will be included in the course to conduct experiments to determine the mechanical properties of materials including steel, wood, plastics, and concrete. Students will learn about the determination of Young's Modulus, Poisson's ratio, ductility, yield strength, ultimate strength, toughness, and the hardness for steel, aluminum, and brass; the strength determination of wood specimens; the creep behavior of plastics; the strength properties of concrete specimens. Report writing and application of basic statistical principles on experimental results are required.



Cross Listed Courses

ENGR 390, ENGR 391, ENGR 395, MSE 395


CHEM 103 or CHEM 107 and ENGR 301