ECON 370 Big Data for Economics

A formal and widely known definition describes Big Data in terms of the three v's: volume, velocity, and variety. Many organizations and economic institutions demand high analytical skills and ability to analyze and interpret data. Big Data for Economics will prepare students to react to this situation by training them in the analytical and technical skills that employers demand. The first part of the course will discuss real world examples of how companies and institutions are reorganizing internally to respond to the "big data revolution" and describe the steps involved in this process. The second part of the course will be devoted to analysis of big data in the R software environment. The course will cover the interface between R and Hadoop, R with other Relational Database Management Systems (i.e.: SQLite, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL), and R with noSQL Database. The last part of the course will be devoted to various methods of Machine Learning such as Nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Classification Rules, among others. All methods will be illustrated with real world examples.



Cross Listed Courses

ECON 370 & ECON 570


ECON 363 or IEDM 543 or IEDP 543