DR 375 Arts Administration: Creative Management In the Non-Profit Sector

During the past fifty years, rapid proliferation of non-profit music, dance, and theater performing organizations has taken place in the United States. Today, there are over 1.5 million non-profit arts, education, religious, and human service organizations registered in this country. This hands-on course is designed to build sound management techniques required for the organization and perpetuation of performing arts organizations and arts in education. Topics include defining the mission; building and working with the board; incorporation, by-laws, and taxes; unions, agents, and contracts; creating the budget and fiscal responsibility; fundraising; writing proposals and securing grants; short-term/long-term/strategic planning; audience development; volunteerism; and community education and outreach. Using landmark publications as references, management skills using latest techniques, technology, and strategies are explored and evaluated. Required readings. Mid-term examination and final project (such as writing a grant proposal, developing a volunteer program, or creating a marketing campaign). Offered on a rotational basis.



Cross Listed Courses

ART 375 & DR 375 & MUS 375 & MUS 575