BUS 399A Networking: Career Discernment III

BUS 399 Networking: Career Discernment III is the third course in a four-part sequence for all Busch School undergraduate students. The emphasis of BUS 399 is experiential learning, exposing students to our employer and alumni network, and offering opportunities to obtain internships and practice the skills learned in both BUS 199 and BUS 299. Juniors will have the opportunity to earn credit for this course by participating in a variety of Career Development programs, from CEO lectures to networking nights, to internships and/or Case Competitions. The syllabus provided at the start of each semester will include a breakdown of points per activity so students can pick which offerings best fit their career goals and choose based on their schedules. BUS 399 students will revisit their Personal Development Plan (PDP) from 199 and 299 to implement changes based on self-reflection and assessment provided via Blackboard. BUS 399 is offered in the Fall and Spring, and is managed asynchronous/online only with fulfillment opportunities being both in-person and virtual.




open to Business & Economics majors with 54 credits or more