ASWR 405 Introduction to Magnetometry for Space Weather Research

This course introduces the science and engineering of basic magnetometry and its application to space weather research. The students will be introduced to the origins  of space weather on the sun and how the sun interacts with Earth to create geomagnetic storms that can be observed and measured from Earth's surface using ground-based magnetometers. The students will examine the history of magnetometers since antiquity and emphasize the importance and uses of different types of modern magnetometers developed in various space weather research and forecasting purposes, including space-based magnetometers in various NASA missions. Students will also get hands-on experience in building an off-the-shelves fluxgate magnetometer kit with lectures on basic circuitry and soldering techniques. At the end of this course, the students will build and test their ground-based magnetometers by taking actual measurements from a simple rotating magnet. This course will also introduce the students to the basics of instrumentations and data calibrations to produce science-grade data sets for scientific research and operations. If schedule permits, students will also be able to visit the magnetometry laboratory facilities in Goddard Space Flight Center at the end of the semester.



Cross Listed Courses

ASWR 404 & ASWR 604