ART 321 Venetian Art

This course surveys visual arts and architecture emerging in the late fourteenth century to the late sixteenth century. It will explore the history of art not only in Venice, but also the Venetian Republic's other possessions: the domini di Terraferma, such as Padua, and its Stato da Mar, such as Crete. Rather than presuming a "Venetian" style defined in contrast to other centers of the Italian Renaissance, we will aim to understand regional and individual tendencies on their own terms. The course will present the canonical works of Venetian Renaissance painting, sculpture, and architecture, but it also aims to expand the scope of relevant items for art historical inquiry, covering material culture, manuscripts, and early printed books. The works themselves within a historic context will be the focus, including their means of production, the places for which these images were intended, the concerns of patrons and art collectors, and the expectations and responses of the works first viewers.



Cross Listed Courses

ART 321 & ART 621