ARAB 246 Jordanian Arabic Dialect

This course provides an introduction to Jordanian dialect, which shares many commonalities with the broader Levantine dialectic that is spoken in Palestine/Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. Jordanian dialect is widely understood across the Arab world, making it a beneficial dialect to learn. Students will study the main features of this dialect to engage in authentic conversations with native Arabic speakers. To this end, student pairs will be matched with one Jordanian "Speaking Partner" to meet with once a week and review what they are learning in the classroom. Students will also practice speaking and listening to this dialect beyond the traditional classroom walls by exploring Jordan's famous sites and cities. Course time is thus split between the classroom and local site visits, including trips to markets, restaurants, Roman ruins, and neighborhoods. NOTE: No prior knowledge of Arabic is required to enroll in this course. Course materials will be made available both in Arabic script and English transliteration.
