Undergraduate Registration Policy

This policy is also published online at https://policies.catholic.edu/students/academicundergrad/regundergradfull.html

I. Registration Period


The registration period is announced each year in the Academic Calendar. No student will be permitted to register later than the date published in the Academic Calendar (see Schedule of Classes).

II. New Students


New undergraduate students receive instructions concerning their initial registration after they have been notified of acceptance. A student may register only after receipt of official notification of admission and submission of an enrollment deposit. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain formal admission prior to registration.

III. Continuing Students


The University provides a period of registration for all currently enrolled students prior to the end of each semester in order to determine such matters as housing allocations, class scheduling, student financial aid, and faculty and staff requirements which must be planned before the new semester begins.

Continuing student must register for the following semester at the designated times and according to the procedures set forth in the schedule of classes.

A continuing undergraduate student who does not register is presumed to be planning to withdraw from the University. If such is not the student's intention, and if the student has neglected to register for other reasons, the student may receive permission to register during the prescribed period for new and transfer students by applying for readmission to the University. Readmission forms are available in the Office of the Academic Dean (A readmission fee is charged.)

IV. Consortium Registration


Application forms and instructions for registration in a course offered by a member institution of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar. A student may take consortium courses only for credit and must have the approval of the adviser, chair, dean and consortium coordinator. Regulations and registration procedures are published in detail each semester in the class schedule.

V. Auditing


A student who has been admitted to the University and who wishes to attend a course without satisfying its formal requirements must secure the consent of the teacher, register as an auditor, and pay the regular tuition and fees. Students must notify the Registrar in writing of their intent to audit a class.

Credit will not be granted for auditing a course. Audit or "not for academic credit" classes cannot be counted for enrollment certification, for fulfillment of degree requirements, for financial aid purposes, or for loan deferment purposes regardless of billing or registration status.

Auditors are required to attend a minimum of one-half of the class sessions. If this requirement is not met the Registrar may, solely upon notice of the instructor of insufficient attendance, delete the course from the student's record.

VI. Course Numbers


Courses numbered from 100 to 499 carry undergraduate credit only. Courses numbered from 500 to 599 are open to graduate and qualified undergraduate students. Courses numbered from 600 to 999 are open to graduate students only, unless special circumstances apply and with permission of the dean.