Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Joint Degree with Busch School of Business)
Requirements for the major can be found at Music and Business Administration - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.)
Combinations of knowledge and skills in music, administration, management, and other business-oriented content are important for practice in many fields. The music industry in particular benefits greatly from professionals with a solid education in both business and music. Business skills are also essential for many careers in music, from private studio teaching to concert planning and promoting. Towards this end, The Catholic University of America offers a dual degree program in music and business, leading to the degrees Bachelor of Arts in Music (B.A.) from the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama and Art and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) from the Busch School of Business. Within the B.S.B.A. program, students may choose from among the following concentrations: strategy-management-operations, marketing, finance, or international business. This program offers the advantages of in-depth business training, a solid musical education, and a liberal arts education.
Students should indicate their interest in the dual degree program at the time of application to the University. Entrance into the Bachelor of Arts in Music does not require an audition, but prospective students are invited to audition if they would like to be considered for a music scholarship. A student who matriculates in one of the two degrees can still apply for the dual degree before the end of the first full year of study (which may result in needing more than four years to complete the program).
This is an academically rigorous program, which requires carrying at least seventeen credit-hours most semesters. At the end of the first year, students’ academic progress will be reviewed by their advisers in both the School of Music and the School of Business; students with a cumulative grade point average below 3.20 will be required to take a reduced course load (of no more than fifteen credits) in the second year, which may lengthen the time to complete the degree unless the student takes summer courses. Students with a particularly low GPA and/or serious issues with their academic progress may be required to withdraw from the dual degree program at the end of the first year, in which case they will solely pursue either the B.A. in Music or the B.S.B.A. in Business. In this case, a minor in the other field can be a viable alternative to the dual degree.
In addition to the specific requirements provided below, students are also held to the general policies for undergraduate students in both the School of Music and the School of Business as detailed elsewhere in the Undergraduate Announcements. This includes policies regarding advanced placement, Dean’s List, internships, minors, summer courses, study abroad, transfer credit, and probation and dismissal.
Music Requirements
All B.A. students must complete a minimum of four semesters of private instruction in a performance area at three semester hours of credit per semester. All students must also complete a minimum of four semesters of any School of Music performing organization, such as University Symphony Orchestra, Catholic University Chamber Choir, University Singers, and Wind Ensemble. Students will select the appropriate ensemble in consultation with the School of Music adviser. All ensembles require the student to pass an audition before being permitted to register (audition information is typically circulated in the weeks leading up to the start of the fall semester).
All students are required to study piano, as keyboard skills are crucial for gaining a full understanding of musical concepts. Beginners will normally take Class Piano I and II, though more advanced students may audition for private instruction; in this case, the piano lessons may count toward both private instruction and piano requirements, and the two prerequisite credit hours of Class Piano will be waived.
All incoming Freshmen take a Theory Evaluation Test (TET) before the start of the first year (incoming students will be contacted by the music office at the start of the summer before they matriculate, typically as soon as the incoming student’s Catholic University email account is set up. The exam is usually administered in early June. Please contact the music office if you have missed this testing window. The TET is an online test given via the BrightSpace online course management system. A student who does not pass this exam must successfully complete Fundamentals of Music Theory (MUS 101, offered in the spring term) before being permitted to take Harmony I (MUS 123) and Ear Training and Sight Singing I (MUS 121); students who are required to take Fundamentals of Music Theory should plan on taking Harmony and Ear Training over at least one summer in order to graduate in four years. Students with exceptional skills in theory/analysis may test out of theory courses via credit by examination. Transfer students take the Theory Placement Exam and should consult with the music school office for particulars (this is typically offered in person on the Saturday prior to the start of any given semester). Students are required to take History of Music I, II, and III (MUS 325, 326, 327) in the sequence listed. Students in the general (no emphasis) Bachelor of Arts program will take a written comprehensive exam during the final semester of study, typically in the spring
Music elective credits, when used as substitutes for music course credits, may be satisfied by either MUS or MUPI. In order for MUPI credits to count toward the degree, a jury is required. Students who take private piano instruction in lieu of Class Piano are not required to perform a jury.