Orchestral Instruments and Instrumental Music Education (Double Major)
Requirements for the major can be found at Music - Bachelor of Music (B.M.)
Undergraduate Orchestral Instruments performance majors within the B.M. program in Orchestral Instruments and principals within the B.M. program in Orchestral Instruments and Instrumental Music Education (Double Major)—i.e., all orchestral instruments including harp and guitar—are evaluated by members of the string/winds/brass committee during their fourth-semester jury to determine acceptability for admission to junior-level applied study. Any student not admitted to the junior level will be permitted to continue studies in applied music at the sophomore level in order to correct deficiencies or may seek admission to another degree program within the music school.
This is a nine-semester program. Majors in this program are required to complete class instrument courses as listed below. Piano principals may be accepted into this degree program provided they possess sufficient experience and/or aptitude for learning band and orchestral instruments. To graduate, piano principals must complete, at a minimum, Piano Level VIII. See below for requirements.
MUS 323, MUS 337, MUS 455, MUS 456, and MUS 457 are offered on a rotational basis, and students may take these courses out of the sequence listed, if necessary. Undergraduate string principals will be evaluated by members of the string committee during their fourth-semester jury to determine acceptability for admission to junior-level applied study. Any student not admitted to the junior level will be permitted to continue studies in applied music at the sophomore level in order to correct deficiencies or may seek admission to another degree program within the departments of music.
Majors in this program are required to consult the "Music Education Handbook" and the "Student Teacher Guidelines" for details related to teacher certification and internship matters.
Majors in this program are required to take the Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators Tests (PCASET) (formerly Praxis I) during their freshman year. They must pass the test before being permitted to enroll in MUS 453, MUS 454, MUS 455, or MUS 456. Majors in this program must consult with their adviser for current Praxis I score requirements.
Students must register each semester for MUS 150 (Field Experiences in Music Education) until they acquire 100 hours of field experience.
Music elective credits, when used as substitutes for music course credits, may be satisfied by either MUS or MUPI. In order for MUPI credits to count toward the degree, a jury is required.