General Policies for the Ph.D. Program
- Coursework must be completed in five years.
- A grade point average of 3.0 is required for retention.
- Although a grade of C is passing but marginal at the graduate level, a grade of C in clinically focused research courses (NURS 923D/924D/910D/911D/930D) is not acceptable. Courses may only be repeated once and no more than two courses may be repeated. Students may only have one withdrawal for nursing courses.
- Students must maintain continuous enrollment during the dissertation process to include the summer term while in data collection or working intensively with the dissertation committee.
- An incomplete grade (I) may be awarded based upon individual student circumstances that impacted upon the ability to complete course requirements but must be converted to a grade by mid-semester of the following semester (Fall, Spring, Summer midterm) or they are automatically converted to a grade of F. All incompletes must be approved by the program director. Students should submit a formal written request to the course instructor with the reason for the incomplete at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester.
- Students may take a leave of absence at any time during the course of the program up to 1 year (2 semesters) with prior approval. Students in degree/certificate programs are expected to follow the program plan as published or, if on an approved LOA, follow a revised program plan that may extend the length of time for completion.
Candidacy for the Degree
To be considered for admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree, the student must have satisfied these requirements:
- Satisfactory completion of course requirements with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
- Recommendation of the academic adviser.
- Successful passage of comprehensive examination.
- Completion and school and University level approval of a formal application for candidacy
Oral Proposal Defense
The SON requires that prior to submitting the Dissertation Proposal for University level review and approval of the dissertation topic, students undergo a School of Nursing specific defense of the proposal and the supportive work. The defense is conducted by a School of Nursing approved examination committee. Students are bound by the decision of the committee as to whether the student's proposal work may be recommended for approval, revision or disapproval. Students are referred to the School of Nursing Student Guidelines posted on the School website for additional procedural information.
After admission to candidacy, completion of a satisfactory dissertation involving significant and original research in nursing is required. University policies regarding the approval of the dissertation topic, structure and content of the dissertation and the oral examination must be followed. Students are expected to attend the final oral defense in person as the culmination event of the program. The dissertation must be successfully defended and deposited within five years following the semester in which the student becomes a doctoral candidate following successful passing of the comprehensive examination.
B.S.N.-Ph.D. Option
An option is available to meet the needs of baccalaureate-prepared nurses whose goal is to achieve the doctorate. Applicants must meet all admission requirements for the Ph.D. program with the exception of a prior M.S.N. degree. Programs of study are planned on an individual basis. Students may take the Ph.D. components sequentially.
DNP.-Ph.D. Option
An option is available to meet the needs of DNP nurses whose goal is to add a research-focused doctorate. Applicants must meet all admission requirements for the Ph.D. program. Programs of study are planned on an individual basis. Students may take the Ph.D. components sequentially. Students entering the program with a dissertation focus related to their DNP project can complete coursework within 2 years rather than the 3 year PhD curriculum plan.