Officers of Instruction

Rev. Msgr. Ronny E. Jenkins, S.T.L., J.C.D. Dean and O’Brien-O’Connor Professor of Canon Law
Sr. Nancy Bauer, O.S.B., J.C.D. Associate Research Professor
Rev. John P. Beal, J.C.D. Stephan Kuttner Professor of Canon Law
Rev. James D. Bradley, J.C.D. Assistant Professor
William L. Daniel, J.C.D. Associate Professor
Chorbishop John Faris, J.C.O.D. Research Professor
Rev. Msgr. William King, J.C.D. Assistant Professor
Kurt Martens, J.C.D. Professor
Rev. John E. Lynch, C.S.P., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Rev. Ladislas M. Orsy, S.J., J.C.D. Professor Emeritus
Kenneth J. Pennington, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Rev. John Chrysostom Koslawski, O.P., J.C.D. Lecturer
Rev. Msgr. Patrick Lagges, J.C.D. Lecturer
Prof. V. Bradley Lewis, Ph.D. Lecturer in Theology and Philosophy of Law; Associate Professor, School of Philosophy
Eric Treene, J.D. Lecturer in American Law
Dr. Siobhan Verbeek, J.C.D. Lecturer; Executive Director, USCCB Secretariat of Canonical Affairs
 Sr. Lien Thi Do, O.P., J.C.D. Lecturer