Classical Studies - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

This major is offered through the Department of Greek and Latin in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Undergraduate majors in Classical Studies investigate the ancient world from a variety of perspectives. They select courses in Greek and Roman literature (read in English or in Greek or Latin--their choice), ancient history, art and architecture, mythology, and ancient culture, and can add relevant electives chosen from throughout the university. They also complete a senior project. Students are required to have a 2.5 GPA in all departmental courses and a 2.0 GPA in their other courses.


Required Courses - Take All

CLAS 425Senior Tutorial


CLAS 426Senior Project


Elective Courses - Take Eight

CLAS XXXClassics Course

Any GR or LAT course numbered 103 or above may substitute for any of the CLAS electives.

Up to two relevant courses from other departments may be substituted for CLAS electives, as approved by the undergraduate advisor.

Elective Courses - Take Three

CLAS 3XX300-Level Classics Course

CLAS 4XX400-Level Classics Course

Any GR or LAT course numbered 103 or above may substitute for any of the CLAS electives.