Six-Year Joint Bachelor of Philosophy-Bachelor of Sacred Theology Program

The School of Philosophy offers in cooperation with the School of Theology and Religious Studies a joint Ph.B.-S.T.B. Program that is completed in six years. The program, designed specifically for the circumstances and needs of the Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary, is open to all applicants.

This six-year dual Ph.B.-S.T.B. program is an integrated program of 64 three-credit courses leading to the two degrees. To complete this program in six years requires taking a total of four courses distributed in the first two summers of the program. The Ph.B. part of the program requires 40 courses for 120 credits distributed as follows:

  1. 16 philosophy courses for the major;
  2. 13 courses for the Liberal Arts Curriculum, including two intermediate level Latin courses;
  3. 2 courses in ancient Greek or a modern language;
  4. 6 courses in theology (counting towards the S.T.B.);
  5. 3 open elective courses.

The senior comprehensive examination is required. For details of the S.T.B. portion of the program, consult the School of Theology and Religious Studies.