Faculty and Resources

Many of our faculty members are recognized as leaders in the design and professional realms, with world-famous guest critics and lecturers augmenting the full-time teaching staff. Student-teacher ratios in studios are kept to a minimum to ensure that students receive intensive one-on-one critiques and advising from their critics and professors.

Our award-winning facilities are housed in the original Catholic University gymnasium and provide a classic example of adaptive re-use at its best. Designed by the faculty and students, the architecture center was conceived as a small city with "streets" filled with students and their work, a "piazza" for special exhibits, and a "town hall" for lectures and meetings. In addition, students' needs are served by our library, computer lab and input/output room, visual resources center, and fabrication labs, which include wood and metalworking shops, laser cutters, and 3D printers.

Through the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, students may take courses at many of the other outstanding institutions of higher learning in the metropolitan area including Georgetown, George Washington, American, Howard, the University of Maryland, and others.