Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Choose two of the following:

CLAS 205 History of Ancient Greece*
CLAS 206 History of Ancient Rome*
ENG 461 or ENG 462 Plays of Shakespeare I* or Plays of Shakespeare II*
HIST 226 British Empire, 1750-1970
HIST 336 Wealth and Poverty: A History
PHIL 313B Philosophy of Human Nature*
PHIL 333B Philosophy of Natural Right and Natural Law*
POL 112 Introduction to Comparative Politics*
POL 211 Introduction to Political Theory*
POL 403 Person and the Common Good

Choose one of the following IF in the Busch School of Business:

SRES 101 Markets, Enterprise, & Prosperity I
SRES 102 Markets, Enterprise, & Prosperity II
SRES 345 Marriage, Family, & Social Order*

Choose one of the following IF in any other school:

ECON 101 or ECON 103 Principles of Macroeconomics* or Principles of Economics I (Honors)
ECON 301 Ethics in Business and Economics
ECON 360 Public Policy
PHIL 313B Philosophy of Human Nature*