Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree

The program consists of 120 credits that are articulated below. The program course plan requirements may be modified in instances of individual academic program progression issues, which may be limited and are authorized by the Conway School of Nursing.

Advanced Placement course credits for courses taken in High School are evaluated for potential transfer as Catholic University college credit.

Natural Science and Math - 18 credits
Chemistry (inorganic and organic chemistry content) 4 credits
Human anatomy and physiology 8 credits
Microbiology 3 credits
Statistics 3 credits

English-3 credits: All students are required to take one English writing course. The particular course is grounded on the English placement criteria at the time of admission to the university. English 101 is part of the First-Year Experience and Learning Communities (LCs).

Philosophy-6 credits: All students are required to take Philosophy 201 and 202, both of which are a part of the First-Year Experience and Learning Communities (LCs).

Theology-9 credits: Of the three required religion courses, the first must be TRS 201: Foundations in Theology I: The Scriptures and Jesus Christ, a Learning Community course (LC). The second Theology course is TRS 202A/B: The Church and the Human Person. The third required theology course is TRS 333 or PHIL 303: Biomedical Ethics. Biomedical ethics must be taken at Catholic University and is not transferable from another university.

Humanities/Liberal Studies - 18 credits
Psychology 3 credits
Human Growth and Development 3 credits
Liberal Arts Electives* 12 credits

*Consult with your assigned academic advisor regarding which liberal arts electives fulfill general education requirements

Required Nursing courses

Introduction to Health Systems and Professions 3
Health and Wellness across the Lifespan 3
Nutrition 3
Pathophysiology 3
Health Assessment 4
Pharmacology 3
Community and Population Health (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Fundamental Applications 4
Mental Health Nursing (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Adults in Health and Illness I (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Adults in Health and Illness II (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Women in Health and Illness (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Children in Health and Illness (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Adults in Health and Illness III (Lecture and Clinical) 5 (3/2)
Management of Health Care Delivery 2
Transition to Professional Practice 2
Strategies for Professional Practice 2
Nursing Informatics 2
Nursing Research 3
(Optional - Practicum in Complex Nursing) (2)
Total number of credits in Nursing 60

Course descriptions are available on the Web at

The number of hours of meeting/contact time per week is determined by the type of nursing course as well as credits and does not include out of class study time or work on out of class assignments. P/F indicates the course is graded with either Pass or Fail. The following ratios are used:

Didactic Course 1 credit=1 hour/week
Clinical/Lab Course 1 credit=3 hours/week
NURS Title (credit hours)
151 Introduction to Health Systems and Professions (3)
250 Theater in Healthcare (3) Elective
254A Health and Wellness across the Lifespan (3)
257 Nutrition and Health (3)
258 Health Assessment (4)
309 Fundamental Applications (4)
275L Adults in Health and Illness I: Lecture (3)
275C Adults in Health and Illness I: Clinical (2) P/F
371 Pathophysiology (3)
370 Community and Population Health: Lecture (3)
372 Community and Population Health: Clinical (2) P/F
310 Pharmacology (3)
375 Mental Health Nursing: Lecture (3)
377 Mental Health Nursing: Clinical (2) P/F
376L Adults in Health and Illness II: Lecture (3)
376C Adults in Health and Illness II: Clinical (2) P/F
378 Nursing Informatics (2)
403 Introduction to Nursing Research (3)
420 Child and Adolescent Health and Illness: Lecture (3)
421 Child and Adolescent Health and Illness: Clinical (2) P/F
423 Women in Health and Illness: Lecture (3)
428 Women in Health and Illness: Clinical (2) P/F
424 Management of Health Care Delivery (2)
430L Adults in Health and Illness III: Lecture (3)
430C Adults in Health and Illness III: Clinical (2) P/F
427 Transition to Professional Practice (2)
481A Practicum in Complex Nursing (2) - Optional
481B Practicum in Complex Nursing (2) - Optional Pediatrics
481C Practicum in Complex Nursing (2) - Optional Women’s Health
469 Spirituality and Care of the Sick (3) P/F Elective
480 Strategies for Professional Practice (2)