Minor in Piano

Requirements for the minor can be found at Piano - Minor

Qualified students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree at The Catholic University of America with a major in an area other than piano performance may request permission to simultaneously complete a minor in piano. Composition majors may pursue the Bachelor of Music in Composition with Minor in Piano. Admission and curriculum requirements for that program are available from the chair of Theory and Composition. Undergraduate students pursuing other music majors may request permission to pursue the minor program described below.

Admission Requirements

Acceptance as a piano minor is granted following successful completion of a 10-minute audition of classical repertoire before a committee of the piano faculty. The audition should consist of three memorized pieces in contrasting tempos and styles.

Program of Study

In addition to completing requirements in the major area, the student must also complete the following requirements to earn a minor in piano.

Description Credits
MUPI 420 or MUPI 320 Private Instruction: (Piano Jury required each semester) (Music Major - 4XX/Non-Music Major - 3XX) 12
MUS 153 (MUS 154) Piano Ensemble (1 credit each) 2
or or
MUS 155 (MUS 156) Piano Sight Reading (1 credit each)
MUS ___, ___ Piano Literature Electives (Piano Pedagogy Electives may replace 3 credits of Piano Literature) 6
MUS 499PIM Piano Minor Recital (45 minutes) 0
Piano Level VIII 0
Piano Minor total credits: 20