Theological College
University Seminary
Theological College is the Seminary of the Catholic University of America. The School of Theology and Religious Studies of The Catholic University of America offers diocesan-sponsored seminarians enrolled at Theological College and CUA the theological instruction essential for priestly ministry as prescribed by the approved degree programs. Theological College provides spiritual, human and pastoral formation as prescribed by the Program of Priestly Formation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The School of Theology and Religious Studies also collaborates with Theological College in offering certain courses and programs of pastoral formation required by the seminarians' academic degree programs and the PPF of the USCCB.
Seminary Faculty
Theological College is administered by the Sulpician Fathers, a group of diocesan priests whose apostolate for 300 years has been the preparation of men for the priesthood. The Rector is assisted in this by formation faculty members whose primary responsibilities include: personal guidance and human formation, spiritual direction and formation, liturgy and liturgical formation, prayer, and the evaluation of seminarians' progress. Every seminarian has a priest spiritual director in the internal forum. Faculty members also serve as external forum advisers in human, spiritual, and pastoral formation to the students, meeting regularly with each to help them internalize the multidimensional aspects of their formation into personal and religious growth and ministerial readiness.
Theological College has developed a local mission statement and programs to implement these norms.
Diocesan seminarians are sent to Theological College by bishops throughout the United States. As the seminary, overseen by the society of St. Sulpice, celebrates its centennial this year, it opens its doors to 90 seminarians from 26 U.S. dioceses. Those in theological studies pursue one of the three main degree options for seminarians with a growing number taking advantage of the fifth year S.T.L. program offered through the School of Theology and Religious Studies and Theological College. 17 seminarians are awardees of the McShain Scholarship and three are recipients of the Knights of Columbus' Father Michael J. McGivney Scholarship.
Community Life
The seminary faculty and seminarians forma community united in faith under the headship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Together they engage in the work of priestly formation in its four dimensions as outlined in the Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. Theological College's Student Handbook highlights these four dimensions, outlining more specifically the manner in which they are to be implemented at a university -based seminary.
Seminarians are given clearly stated expectations for each dimension of priestly formation. Rector's and conferences and small group discussions provide the opportunity for seminarians to reflect on questions of priestly spirituality in a format that involves peer interaction. Theological College supports a student government structure that allows seminarians to be involved in implementing the goals of the seminary.
Spiritual Formation Program
A primary concern of Theological College is the personal and spiritual growth and formation of the seminarians involving three dynamics: The first derives from the Sulpician heritage as expressed by Father Olier, the Sulpician's founder, in his maxim, "To live supremely for God in Christ Jesus." The second dynamic is based on reflection on the way in which holy and effective priests live and minister today, and the need for a personal spirituality that will sustain the seminarian after ordination. The third derives from the unique context in which Theological College is situated, that is, a university setting that gathers students from many different dioceses, each with its own specific ministerial needs.
Seminarians come together daily to celebrate the Eucharist and Morning and Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of Hours, and every seminarian works with an individual spiritual director to deepen his response to God's love, especially by developing a solid prayer life. Community celebrations of Reconciliation are held on a regular basis, and seminarians have access to many other resources for private celebration of this sacrament as well. In addition to an annual retreat, other prayer experiences are scheduled throughout the year.
Formation Advising/Evaluation Program
To assist bishops who send their students to Theological College, the faculty engages in a process of advisement and evaluation in a spirit of service to the student and the diocese. Every seminarian has a priest adviser from the seminary faculty who is concerned with his progress toward personal maturity, his readiness to embrace the commitments of priestly life, his grasp of theology, and his completion of ordination requirements, and acquisition of the pastoral skills needed for priestly ministry. An annual evaluation, which is sent to each seminarian's bishop, evaluates his progress according to the essential dimensions of priestly formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral.
Theological and Pastoral Programs
Seminarians are enrolled in the School of Theology and Religious Studies for the theological and certain pastoral dimensions of their preparation. Each pursues one of three first graduate degrees: M.A. in theology, Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.), or Master of Divinity (M.Div.), or the joint S.T.B./M.Div. degrees. Each degree has its own respective focus and integrating features. All seminarians must also complete ordination requirements that include Scripture, systematics, moral theology, liturgy, history, spirituality, pastoral theology, and canon law, as well as engage in programs of direct service to the poor, supervised ministry to the sick, two years of parish placement, preaching, and liturgical celebration. The resources of Theological College and Catholic University's program are enhanced through membership in the Washington Theological Consortium. Seminarians are able to cross- register in certain courses offered by the member institutions of the Consortium.
Theological College offers a complete two-year pre-theology program according to the directives of the PPF (no. 185). Pre-theology encompasses human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation as well. Adaptations are made to meet the specific needs of individuals and their dioceses. The pre-theology program utilizes the resources of the School of Philosophy and the School of Theology and Religious Studies to meet all the requirements of the PPF.