4+1 Programs

The School of Arts and Sciences offers students with outstanding academic records (minimum 3.5 grade-point average) the possibility of beginning work toward a master's degree during the junior year. In such cases, up to four courses may, with approval, be applied to both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. However, all requirements for the bachelor's degree must be completed before credits toward the master's degree may be applied, and all M.A. or M.S. requirements must be completed within five years of matriculation.

Application should be made by the end of the sophomore year. A 3.5 cumulative grade-point average is required at the time of application. Juniors and seniors take four graduate courses, ideally one per semester of the junior and senior year. No student may take more than two (2) graduate courses in one semester while completing the B.A./B.S. requirements. For more information, please visit Accelerated Degree Programs