TRS 855DM Evangelization and Emerging Adults

Disaffiliation of emerging adults is considered one of the greatest pastoral challenges facing the Catholic Church in the United States in the 21st Century. This course examines the challenges and opportunities before the Church in its ministry to young adults today. Our explorations will be both theological and pastoral. We will begin by exploring sociological studies which help us to understand young adults today. These studies will focus on young adults in the United States, with an eye to wider cultural trends in the Western world that shape the period often described using Arnett's term "emerging adulthood." We will pay some attention as well to the significant Hispanic presence in the U.S. Church, since now a majority of Catholics under 35 are Hispanic. The course will go on to ask theological and pastoral questions about ministry to young adults, with an eye to how the Church might more effectively minister to them.




Open to Doctor of Ministry students only