SPAN 540 Literature of Post-Civil War Spain

In this course we will discuss the reaction to the Spanish Civil War as seen in the poetry, short story, theater and novel of the 1940s through 1960s principally. The shadow of violence affected many of Spain's authors whose artistic and intellectual formation occurred during or immeditaly after the Civil War. We will study the poetry of the "social poets" of the 1940s, such as Blas de Oero and Gabriel Celaya; some veterans of the Genration of 1927 who continued writing; Miguel de Henadez, who die din prison in 1942, and others. Amont the authors of prose or theater to be read are Camilo José Cela, Mercé Rodoreda, Carmen Laforet, Juan Goytisolo, Ana María Matute, Luis Martín Santos, Carmen Martín Gaite, José Ruibal, Miguel Delibes, Alfonso Sastre, and others. We will also consider literary movmets of the 1940s through 1960s in Europe and elswehere which may have affected these writers.
