PHIL 926 The Issue of Truth in Phenomenology and Metaphysics

The course will examine "being as the true" as understood by both Aristotle and Husserl and will try thereby to show how phenomenology can be related to classical metaphysics. It will discuss how the meaning of words is the essence of things and how grammatical parts of speech signal intellectual activity. It will claim that cognitional existence can occur in viewed pictures and spoken words as well as in the intellect. Aristotle's science of being as being will be compared with Husserl's epoche and reduction. The course will discuss Husserl's notion of Sachverhalt and its relation to truth as both correctness and manifestation. It will attempt to show how the theme of kinesis, dunamis, and energeia in Aristotle can be applied to the issue of truth and not just to the change, permanence, and activity of things.
