MUS 555LA The Music of Latin America

An overview of the traditions and cultures as studied through history, traditional folk songs, dance, and compositions. The course aims to provide an eclectic approach to the exploration and study of the richness and diversity of Latin American music. The course serves as an introduction to the various art forms and genres and offers experiential activities through singing, dancing, and listening, as a means to a deeper understanding of how the music shaped the various cultures and traditions of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in the Americas. An undergraduate-level course for students pursuing a degree in music education; also open as an elective to all students of the university (undergraduate and graduate) and specifically for those students pursuing any music performance or composition degree; a graduate-level course designed for those students who already possess an undergraduate degree in music performance who are pursuing a degree in music education and/or music performance. Department consent. Bound course with MUS 335.



Cross Listed Courses

MUS 335 & MUS 555LA