MSM 560 Business Law

This course is an overview of basic legal concepts and principles underlying business. The core assets of a business rise from the acquisition and use of land, labor, and capital. We will begin by examining the legal environment of business and online commerce. Then, we will define the concepts of Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property as these set many of the boundaries for the competitive space of business activity. Having gained a common understanding of legal venues, forums and boundaries, we will then examine contracts, e-commerce and the protections offered by warranties. Next will be a discussion of money and how negotiable instruments and electronic financial transactions serve as tools for wealth creation or loss when banks and consumers transact business. From there we will discuss labor. Businesses rely on humans. Agency and employment law have developed to reward the owners of capital and other risk-takers while protecting those who contribute time and effort to an enterprise. We will also study the legal aspects of forming, operating, and terminating partnerships, corporations and limited liability companies.



Cross Listed Courses

MSM 560 & MSBA 516


Open to Master of Science in Management students in the Metropolitan School of Professional Studies; other students must secure department permission to enroll