EE 669 High Voltage Technology Related to Power Systems

Course topics: 1 Development of HVDC Technology. 1.1 Advantages of HVDC Systems. 1.2 HVDC System Costs. 1.3 Overview and Organization of HVDC Systems. 2 Power Conversion. 2.1 Thyristor. 2.2 3-Phase Converter. 2.3 3-Phase Full Bridge Converter. 2.4 12-Pulse Converter. 3 Harmonics of HVDC and Removal. 3.1 Determination of Resulting Harmonic Impedance. 3.2 Active Power Filter. 4 Control of HVDC Converter and System. 4.1 Converter Control for an HVDC System. 4.2 Commutation Failure. 4.3 HVDC Control and Design. 4.4 HVDC Control Functions. 4.5 Reactive Power and Voltage Stability. 5 Interactions between AC and DC Systems. 5.1 Definition of Short Circuit Ratio and Effective Short Circuit Ratio. 5.2 Interaction between HVDC and AC Power System. 6 Main Circuit Design. 6.1 Converter Circuit and Components. 6.2 Converter Transformer. 6.3 Cooling System. 6.4 HVDC Overhead Line. 6.5 HVDC Earth Electrodes. 6.6 HVDC Cable. 6.7 HVDC Telecommunications. 6.8 Current Sensors. 6.9 HVDC Noise and Vibration. 7 Fault Behavior and Protection of HVDC System. 7.1 Valve Protection Functions. 7.2 Protective Action of an HVDC System. 7.3 Protection by Control Actions. 7.4 Fault Analysis. 8 Insulation Coordination of HVDC. 8.1 Surge Arrester. 8.2 Functions of the Arresters in an HVDC Station. 8.3 Insulation Coordination of Cheju HVDC System. 9 A Practical Example of an HVDC System. 9.1 System Description. 9.2 Phase Control. 10 Other Converter Configurations for HVDC Transmission. 10.1 Voltage Source Converter (VSC). 10.2 CCC and CSCC HVDC System. 10.3 Multi-Terminal DC Transmission. 11 Modeling and Simulation of HVDC Systems. 11.1 Simulation Scope and Range. 11.2 Fast Methods for Accurate Simulation. 11.3 HVDC Modeling and Simulation. 11.4 ChejuHaenam HVDC Real-Time Digital Simulator. 12 Present and Proposed Future Installations of HVDC Systems. 12.1 USA, Japan. 12.3 Europe, China. 13 Trends for HVDC Applications. 13.1 Wind Farm Technology. 13.2 Modern Voltage Source Converter (VSC) HVDC Systems. 13.3 800 kV HVDC System.
