EDUC 689C Secondary Practicum

EDUC 689C: Field experience in secondary schools associated with EDUC 582, EDUC 586, or the Methods courses in the specific content-area of licensure (i.e., EDUC 579, EDUC 580, or EDUC 585). Students are placed in a public, charter, Catholic, or private school and visit the assigned schools throughout the semester with the purpose of observing instruction and, if feasible, supporting the work of the classroom teacher. Observations are linked to specific assignments and reflections discussed in the course associated with them. Placements are arranged to allow students to experience a variety of grade levels and a diversity of student bodies by the end of the program. Twenty hours of observations are required for field experiences associated with EDUC 582 and EDUC 586. Thirty hours of observations are required for field experiences associated with one of the Methods courses.




Requires concurrent enrollment in one of the following: EDUC 579, EDUC 580, EDUC 582, EDUC 585 or EDUC 586