EDUC 531 Literacy and Language Instruction for Diverse Readers

In this course we explore multiple sources that can contribute to literacy difficulties with all children, including children with linguistic and cultural diversities and additional issues when a child has a disability. The course stresses the importance of balanced instruction that places the functions of oral and written language to represent and communicate meaning at the forefront while providing teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to facilitate children's language and literacy growth. This course will support candidates' use of a wide range of instructional practices to support reading and writing instruction. Topics will include: (a) differentiation of literacy instruction, (b) evidence-based decision making for classroom organization and instructional groupings, (c) designing balanced instruction (i.e., including oral language, phonemic awareness, word identification, phonics, vocabulary development, fluency, comprehension, integrated reading/writing) to meet the needs of all students, (c) using and modeling authentic, technology-rich practices, (d) implementing expert intensive tutoring, and (e) designing instructional plans to motivate and engage all students in literacy, especially those students with cultural and linguistic diversities.



Cross Listed Courses

EDUC 431 & EDUC 531