CLAS 521 Numismatic Workshop

In this class, students will work on Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and other ancient coins in the University's numismatic collections. On average, about 1 hour per week will be spent in formal instruction and about 2 hours per week in hands-on research. Tasks will include the physical description and measurement of coins, consultation of reference tools, both paper and on-line, entry of data into an electronic database, and research into the historical context of selected coins. Final reports will consist of the full description of a defined group of coins, with accompanying electronic data, and an oral and written summary of the work accomplished. Projects will be assigned on the basis of student knowledge and interest. Graduate students in any program are eligible, but must have completed at least two years of Latin or two years of Greek at the college level.



Cross Listed Courses

CLAS 321 & CLAS 521