Theater History and Criticism

The M.A. in Drama, Theater History and Criticism concentration prepares students to enter the field of advanced theater studies and work as scholars, teachers, and dramaturgs. The M.A. requires the satisfactory completion of 30 credit hours, 2 crew credits, a language exam, and a comprehensive examination. The course requirements for the M.A. degree are: DR 601, DR 604, DR 606, and DR 610; two research seminars, DR 983 and DR 984, and four electives selected from the list below; or two electives and two sections of Master’s Thesis Guidance selected with the adviser’s approval. Other seminars may be available in this or other departments, but students may select only one course outside of the Drama Department and must get the approval of their program director and associate dean before enrolling in that course. Students are not required to complete a thesis in order to earn the M.A. degree. The program director recommends this option for students who plan to enter a Ph.D. program in theatre history. To complete a thesis, M.A. students must take two semesters of Thesis Guidance (DR 696). Course choices are determined in consultation with the program director and in consideration of the student's background and objectives.

The time and sequence of course offerings are such that students should plan to take two classes each semester for four semesters and two courses over one or two summer sessions; this sequence allows a student to complete the degree within two academic years. Up to 6 hours of graduate work at another accredited institution may be applied toward the M.A.; these credits can be transferred once the student has successfully completed one full-time semester (or its equivalent) at CUA.

Entrance Requirements

To apply to the M.A. program in Theatre History and Criticism, you must have a B.A. or an equivalent degree; submit official transcripts and GRE scores to the University; and supply a resume, three letters of recommendation as well as a writing sample (normally a scholarly paper no less than ten pages long) that demonstrates your interests and skills as a researcher and/or dramaturg. Students whose first language is not English must submit TOEFL, results of 80 or higher (iBT test), (for paper-based test: 550 or higher; for computer-based test: 213 or higher), or the Duolingo examination, results of 105 or higher, to be considered for admission. For the iBT test, at least 20 out of 30 in each of the subcategories is required.

Program of Study Semester Hours
First Year, Fall Term 6
DR 601 Introduction to Theatre Research 3
DR 604 Dramatic Structures I (ONLINE) 3
First Year, Spring Term 6
DR 639 Performance Studio II (New Play Development) 3
DR 983 Seminar: Dramaturgy 3
Second Year, Fall Term 6
DR 606 Theatre Theory 3
DR 984 Seminar: Shakespeare in the Theatre 3
Second Year, Spring Term 6
DR 610 Twentieth Century Theatres (ONLINE) 3
DR 831 Masterclass; OR DR 603 Western Theatre and Culture;
OR DR 526 Teaching Theatre
Electives for Summer Session or Additional Semester (choose two courses from the list below) 6
DR 695A Research Internship 3
DR 695E Dramaturgy Internship 3
DR 576 From Shakespeare to Sheridan: the Irish on the Stage 3
DR 762 Adaptation 3
Master’s Thesis Guidance (DR 696); complete two 3-credit courses to replace two electives; this option is for students who intend to enter a Ph.D. program in Theatre History) 6
Capstone Requirements 0
Crew Credits (two for 0 credits) (DR 699A & DR 699B) (see description below) 0
Pass University-approved language exam (language approved by adviser) 0
Master’s Comprehensive Examination (DR 698A w/classes; DR 698B wo/classes) 0
Total 30

Graduation Requirements

M.A. students must earn two crew credits by completing work on the Drama Department’s productions. The first crew credit must be practical (students complete 60 hours of work as crew on a production or by fulfilling the same hours by working in one of the shops); there is no tuition charge for crew credits. Students must complete the two crew credits before they can take the comprehensive examinations. Crew credits are awarded when the Production Manager and the student's adviser agree that the student's work was satisfactory. Students are encouraged to serve as dramaturgs on department productions or on other performance projects with approval of adviser; one of these experiences may serve as one of the two required crew credits for the M.A. in Theatre History and Criticism. The crew credit supports the concentration in Dramaturgy, a series of courses that focus on the work of professional dramaturgs and literary managers. These courses include, but are not limited to, DR 984: Seminar in Dramaturgy, and DR 695E Dramaturgy Internship. Please contact the head of the M.A. program in Theatre History and Criticism for more information concerning the concentration in Dramaturgy.

M.A. students must pass a reading comprehension exam in an approved language before they can sit for comprehensive examinations. Reading proficiency can be demonstrated by passing the Graduate School Foreign Language Test or by satisfactory completion of a non-credit intensive language course at CUA. The student whose native language is not English shall be considered to have fulfilled the language requirement without examination if his/her native language has demonstrable value for theater research. (For further information, see the section on language under General Requirements for Graduate Study, in these Graduate Announcements.)

M.A. students take a comprehensive examination at the end of the program, usually in the semester in which they are completing their final course requirements. The examination includes the completion of two scholarly essays written in response to questions written for each student by the head of the program.